* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Algodex VASP (BVI) Corp.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/** @module order/structure **/
const algosdk = require('algosdk');
const withCloseAlgoTxns = require('../txns/close/withCloseAlgoTxns');
const withCloseAssetTxns = require('../txns/close/withCloseAssetTxns');
const getMakerTakerTxns = require('./getMakerTakerOrders');
const withMakerTxns = require('./maker/withMakerTxns');
const withExecuteTxns = require('./taker/withExecuteTxns');
const getTakerOrders = require('./getTakerOrders');
const compile = require('../compile');
const logger = require('../../logger');
* ## 🏗 [Structure Order](#structure)
* 🏗 Takes an {@link Order} and structures the underlying transactions
* 🎚 Structure switches based on the execution property of the {@link Order}
* 💽 The structured transactions are stored in the contract property under txns
* ### When is it used?
* This method is what enables [AlgodexApi.placeOrder]{#placeOrder} to handle every execution and order type
* @example
* const {AlgodexApi} = require('@algodex/sdk')
* const order = structure(new AlgodexApi(), {
* "client": new algosdk.Algodv2(),
* "asset": {
* "id": 15322902,
* "decimals": 6,
* },
* "price": 2.22,
* "amount": 1,
* "total": 2,
* "execution": "maker",
* "type": "buy",
* "appId": 22045503,
* "version": 6
* })
* // Outputs Array of Objects with txns attached to contract property
* @param {AlgodexApi} api AlgodexApi Instance
* @param {Order} order The compiled Order Object
* @return {Promise<Order[]>} Array of structured Order Objects
async function structure(api, order) {
logger.debug(`Structure order with '${order.execution}' transactions`);
if (!(order?.client instanceof algosdk.Algodv2)) throw new TypeError('Must have valid algod client!!!');
let orders;
const tolerance = 0.2;
const marketPrice = order.type === 'sell' ? order.price * (1- tolerance) : order.price * (1 + tolerance);
switch (order.execution) {
// Place Order into Orderbook, single order with outerTxns
case 'maker':
orders = [await withMakerTxns(api, await compile({...order, indexer: api.indexer}))];
// Execute Orders in the Orderbook,
case 'taker':
orders = await getTakerOrders(api, order);
case 'market':
// TODO: Support Market Orders in getTakerOrders
// Selling at market price we agree to sell at any price up to 20% below the current market price and vise versa for buy orders
orders = await getTakerOrders(api, {...order, price: marketPrice});
case 'execute':
orders = [await withExecuteTxns(await compile(order))];
case 'close':
orders = order.type === 'buy' ?
[await withCloseAlgoTxns(order)]:
[await withCloseAssetTxns(order)];
case 'both':
orders = await getMakerTakerTxns(api, order);
throw new TypeError('execution property must be one of the following: maker, taker, cancel, both');
return orders;
module.exports = structure;